A great piece on Screencrush, counting down the top 15 Spider-Man segments from Electric Company got me all nostalgic thinking about how that show was my first exposure to Spider-Man as a character. Some of the episodes have burned themselves into my brain (particularly the one with the Yeti...and the measles one...and the Dracula one...and the Mets wall one...heck, all of them), which is crazy as I haven't seen them in roughly 35 years.
My first Spider-Man comic was a book and record set from the 70's, based on Amazing Spider-Man #124. It's a combination radio-play/read-along abridged version of the story where J. Jonah Jameson finds out his son is Man-Wolf. I remember thinking it was kind of creepy as a tyke (I was a pretty timid kid when it came to monster stuff), but not nearly as frightening as the Man-Bat record that I had from the same company (and which I'll get around to in a later post). Though I had Spider-Man Underoos and Mego toys (the doll and the smaller action figures and vehicles), for some reason, I didn't really get into Spider-Man comics in any real way until the late 1980's. Maybe this record was too intense for me?
You can listen to the whole thing above in the embedded video.